What to Expect At Your First Newborn Appointment | Mommy Labor Nurse

What to Expect At Your First Newborn Appointment | Mommy Labor Nurse

What to Expect At Your First Newborn Appointment | Mommy Labor Nurse


Hey, guys. Thanks for tuning into this episode of MomTalks with Christa. I just finished up another awesome interview with my friend, Liesel Teen from Mommy Labor Nurse. And if you don't know what Mommy Labor Nurse is, go to Instagram right now and check it out. She has just so much information when it comes to pregnancy, labor and delivery, newborn tips and so much more and she talks about her goal of really educating moms out there in an easy and fun way. There's so much information on the internet, as you guys know. And so, she just makes it fun. So definitely check her out. We have had Liesel on the show many times before some of my favorite guests. So, this time around, we decided to focus on myths around birth and what you can expect for your first newborn appointment. We get tons of questions about what to expect, what to ask the doctor how to find a provider, and all that. So, Liesel goes into that. Of course, we also want to dive into myths around birth because there's a plethora of information out there and it's hard to always know what's true, what's false, what's been passed down for generations, and all that. So, she kind of goes into three key myths that are kind of circulating and debunk them for us and stick around to the end of the episode because this is our first mom tales of the week. If you don't know what that is, it's our new segment where we feature answers and stories from you guys. Every Monday, we are posting questions on Instagram and Facebook. In our Facebook group asking questions that will allow you to share a little bit about your side of motherhood and so I will be reading your responses at the very end. So, without further ado, here's my interview with Liesel who better to have on them, Liesel Teen herself.

Liesel: Hey, thank you for having me. Happy to always happy to join you, personally.


Christa: Yeah, I'm so glad you're back and reconnected. So, for anyone that doesn't know. Can you just tell us a little bit about you and what you do?

Liesel: So, my name is Liesel Teen. I am from Raleigh, North Carolina. Currently, a labor and delivery nurse has been one since 2014. So over seven years now, and I still work at the bedside every so often about every other weekend. I'm there and then during my real day job is Mommy labor Nurse. I'm the founder of this super cool page called Mommy Labor Nurse on Instagram. We just updated our website and updated our courses but we have birth courses and I do a lot of fun infographics and fun, I'm really into reels now on Instagram and kind of educating the public in a fun, informative, and relatable way to make birth a little bit less scary because I've been a first-time mom. I have also had two boys. Been a first-time mom and I know how scary it can be and how overwhelming it can be. So, anything that we can do to make it a little bit less scary. I love to kind of look at it that way. So yeah, that's me in a nutshell.


Christa: Yeah, I love it. Yeah, if you guys are not falling Mommy Labor Nurse, you have to do it. Because you guys have some of the best posts. I can't believe the number of friends I've shown your page. So, I'm going like, hey check out Mommy Labor Nurse like, you're pregnant? Are you trying to conceive? check it out. Because I just think the way you guys share your information is fun and easy to understand which when young go into the realm of parenthood, there's so much out there. So that's awesome.

Liesel: Yeah. That's really what I aim to do. I want it to be relatable and with a little sense of humor too, and just something that someone can understand. Because a lot of times you go to the doctor and you'll hear something or you'll go to your whoever, your midwife, your provider and you'll hear something that they're talking about, oh, we're going to do this GBS swab and you're like, what is that? And then you come onto my page and I explain it a little bit just a in a more friendly kind of this is what it is. These are the risks and benefits and what to watch out for and blah, blah, blah, blah. GBS is kind of a weird example. But that's kind of how I aim to present the information so it's, it's a little bit more digestible, I guess is the right word.


Christa: No, definitely. A lot of sense. So, for today's topic, because we've had you on a lot of times, I think every time I do want to talk about how many times, we've had you on. So, I'll ignore that this time for our audience's sake but this time, we want to talk about some of the myths around giving birth because like we just talked about. There's so much information out there when it comes to giving birth becoming a mom, that I'm sure there's a lot of myths that are just out there that people are kind of circling through family and so on all that. So, let's talk about some of the biggest myths around birth, and let's just debunk them.

Liesel: Sounds good. I have three written down. There's a lot more than three out there, but I have three kinds of bigger ones written down. So, the first one is about C-sections. And I get this question a lot of my DMs. I had a C section the first time, can I have a vaginal birth after having a C-section? a lot of people don't even realize that it is possible to have a vaginal birth after you've had a C-section. It's not like once you have a C-section, you only have to C-sections. It's called a VBAC Vaginal Birth After a C- section, or Atalla, aka trial of labor. In regards to being back, I get a lot of questions about this, because a lot of the time it's from people who have had C-sections the first time who they were unplanned C-sections and they want to know if they can even try and have another vaginal birth. And it's quite possible, there are a few contraindications that you have to watch out for. If you've had your first C section in a certain way and a certain like, if you've had a vertical, you got a vertical incision, classical incision, that is a contraindication to having another vaginal birth afterward, you would have to have a C section. And then there are various other reasons that may be that medical reasons that come up in future pregnancy like your placenta is covering your cervix or you're having you have twins and one of them. The first one is presenting not head down. There's a variety of reasons that you wouldn't be able to have a vaginal birth, but just at like face value, 90% of people are typically eligible to at least try for a VBAC after having a C section. Now that, like I said, that goes to say, like, there are contraindications that come up, but obviously, it's not 90% of people are going to be successful having a VBAC after having a C section. But there is that a very high percentage that a lot of people can, can at least try. And this is something to talk to your provider about. So, I work at a hospital that we call it very VBAC friendly. So, we have a lot of V backs come through and we love the backs and good advice that I've gotten in regards to V-backs, if you're looking to V back, is start talking to your provider. And if you're in your provider is a VBAC friendly provider, they're going to be pretty open to almost all interventions, like they're going to be open to the fact that if you want to get it because some people are like, if you want to be back, you can't get induced. If you want to be back. You have to do it before 39 weeks if you want to be back you have to do this. And a VBAC more VBAC-friendly provider is going to be a little bit more open to certain circumstances. So that's a good tip I have for people who are looking to VBAC another thing in regards to the back to his Yeah, just kind of interview of your provider during your prenatal visit. And if it sounds like that, that you're not at a very VBAC friendly practice, it's okay to switch providers at any point during your pregnancy if you have that, if you have that opportunity and you have a different hospital that you could deliver at or you have a different provider that you can switch to if you feel like oh, actually I've heard that this provider down the street like it seems like I've interviewed them and they seemed a lot seem a lot more open to the fact that I could VBAC it's okay to switch. It's okay to switch. I don't want you to be ever afraid, to not switch regardless of if it's for a VBAC reason or another reason just, playing face value like it's, it's okay to switch providers if you feel like you're not being well taken care of. So yeah, that is my first myth that wants a C section. Only C sections, that's a myth. You can definitely have vaginal deliveries after having a C section even after having two C sections. We've had moms deliver vaginally, I had a guest on my podcast early on. And she talked about her vaginal delivery after having two C sections and it's not just for indications if your baby got stuck the first time you can still have a VBAC and still have a vaginal delivery if your baby was too big, you can still back try and be back afterward. There are very little like hard contraindications to be backed as I said in the beginning, but it's a lot of these myths that are like people think oh, my baby didn't like I never got past six centimeters or I pushed for two hours is that Does that mean that I'm, I'm always like, I'm never going to be able to birth vaginally? No, that's certainly not true.


Christa: Yeah, we had someone on our podcast too, that was kind of talking about her kind of search for a doctor, that would do it because she had two C sections and then was able to have a vaginal birth. So that's good to hear those success stories.

Liesel: Yeah, for sure. So my second one is your water. A myth your water will break before you go into labor, we hear that too, that people think that it's like, your water has to break and then you go into labor, or people think that your water can't break before you go into labor. Like it always happens. You always have contractions first and then you and then your water breaks at some point. And the fact is that everybody's different. And about a third of people will break their water, pre-labor, and then two-thirds of those people will break their water at some point during labor and contractions, you will start first or your provider and we'll break it for you artificially. But yeah, that's a good one, I think, just to talk about because we get a lot of questions of like, people are just sometimes confused how the whole process works, like, what am I looking for here? Like, I think I think like, this is the way labor is supposed to start. But I also have to be worried that my water might break. So, it's a little bit confusing for people. So that's just to say everybody's different, and your water might break before you go into labor. And that will be the start of labor, it might break. After you start having contractions for a few hours at a time, it might break and then you don't go into labor yourself for a long time and you come into the hospital and we have to induce your labor because your body doesn't want to contract right now that happens to there are so many different scenarios. So, I thought that won't that one was a good one, the last one I have is that Labor will omit Labor will take less than 24 hours. So, this is a good one. Because that is true for some people, some first-time moms, that Labor will, be quicker, and I know less than 24 hours like that doesn't even seem quick, right? Like a whole day. That seems like a really long time. But the fact what I really teach in my courses, is that I want you to prepare for this long labor, okay? It might not belong, it might be like six hours, it might like be short. But if you go into it thinking, Okay, this might be a three-day process, like just, it might I might have to get induced, and then I'd have to prep my cervix for a day. And then, we do Pitocin for a day. And then when we deliver on the third day, some, some people have labored like that. And so, I like to set people up that way, saying it might be this long, and it's very likely if it's your first baby, that it's going to be more than a day that you're in labor. And then if for some reason you, you go into labor, and it's less than a day, then like woohoo, you set the bar high and you like exceeded it. So that's a good one in terms of just length that that lengths vary it, everybody's different. As I said, I know I said that in the previous question but everybody's different. Some moms are going to have labors that last for only a few hours and they just, it's real, really quick. And then other moms, it's going to take three days.


Christa: Yeah, I think a lot of myths, especially those last two, you said kind of come from like TV shows or movies. Yes. Growing up, because I remember seeing it was pretty much like the water breaks. And they're like, oh, let's go to the hospital. And then like an hour later, they have a baby. And it's like, that's what we kind of like, learn as kids and growing up. We're like, oh, that's what it is.

Liesel: Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I think I think one of the more realistic is. There are issues about this episode too. But one of the more realistic births on TV was in friends when Rachel was having her baby because she never she was like, waiting for so long. It was going everybody kept going. And it's like, yeah, that's the first time maybe it can be like all day for a long, long, long time. So yes.


Christa: And then yeah, that's so funny. I knew you were going to bring that up. And you're like, I was like, I know she's going to bring up friends. Get we have that in common? Yeah, that's, that's a good yeah. A good example of it, for sure. Because I remember like the people coming in, it would be like, they'd be in there for like, 10 minutes. And then like, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Adding on to the length of time for sure. Awesome. So, you have to have all these myths kind of coming around. And so how can a mom be sure of something? I know. I'm sure there's like an obvious answer to this but, myths. Also, I feel like gets passed on in family-like generations too. So how can a man be sure that what she's hearing is an actual myth, I got to get some more clarity on it

Liesel: It's hard. So, my first go-to is always to talk to your mom. about the sorts of things, if you hear your mom saying, I heard that if you raise your hands above your belly, your baby is good. The umbilical cords can get wrapped around his neck that is something from previous generations where they thought that was true. And you can't. It's something about I think it's something about like, you can't reach a pie. You're not supposed to be doing so much work when you're it's not something with that. I don't know. Yeah, but that is like a crazy myth. But that's definitely not true, obviously. So, if you're hearing any, anything, any sorts of something where you're like, just, that doesn't quite sound right, definitely talk to your provider first. If for some reason you're hearing something from your provider, and it doesn't sit, right, because sometimes you come into these situations to you are your provider says, Oh, your birth has to go this way? Or maybe your provider is saying, like, from the previous question, you have to have a C section the second time and you're like, I don't know, I heard on mommy labor nurse that like, it is possible, like, can we just talk about this a little bit more? So now, my first advice is like, question them, it's okay to ask questions. Until you kind of understand the logic behind it. And if for some reason, you understand it a little bit more, and you're still just kind of unsure. I have a whole page with like, a lot of stuff on it. And it's evidence-based, and we don't put out stuff that is any myths. So come to my website and type in the search bar, whatever your question is, or whatever your topic is, and see if we have some content on it and see if you can figure out, right? from wrong, I would caution that my page, we're all nurses, so we have credentials behind us. If you're going to the internet to find advice, you can find a lot of great advice on the internet. I'm very like pro internet. I like the internet, for a lot of reasons. But it is tough because you can find a lot of myths on the internet, too. So, if you're going to the internet to find information about a certain topic, just make sure you're going to the right sources. So, as I said, we have credentials. If you go to my website, the About Me page, like all the people who write on my website have credentials. And if you're going to another website, just make sure that where your information is coming from. This is okay. This is like a doctor who's reading these articles, or this is a nurse or this is somebody trained in this, that, this, that or the other that's just general internet safety?


Christa: Yes, definitely. And I think I know, because it's so easy these days just to like, see a post and be like, Okay, I'm going to do that and be like, Wait, how do they come up with that? Or it is? Yeah, I think you made a good point too, about being your own advocate. Because again, like, it's so easy for us to hear like, Oh, this is what happened with this mom. So, I need to do that too. Or this is what's going to happen with me and you need to ask questions, and do your own research too, which is no big thing. You guys talk about it. Mommy Labor Nurse.

Liesel: Totally. We love to encourage people to be their own advocate.


Christa: Awesome. I think that's great. So, kind of switching gears now talking about the first newborn appointment, we get a lot of questions about what to expect, when it happens, and having kind of prepare for it. So first and foremost, what can a parent do to prepare for this appointment? Like, is there something parents should discuss together before this appointment happens?

Liesel: First of all, I want to encourage you to find a provider that you trust. So, this process should hopefully start even before you have your baby in finding a pediatrician and I know, we're probably going to talk about some things to be on the lookout for in regards to that. But make sure you are finding a pediatrician that you and your partner, if you have a partner, are comfortable with good things to look for are like, like proximity to your house and looking at like, hours available. Some people like weekend options. I love my provider because he's a family doctor. So, I see him as well. And I like that I can call him on the weekend. And I haven't had to do that very many times. But there, there was one, so I had to call him on the weekend. And he's all just always available. So, it's nice and that's something definitely to look for. And a lot of people like, on the contrary, like my, the provider that I go to, is just one practice, but a lot of people like that there's going to a bigger practice where there's always locations and you can always get an appointment like in 10 minutes as long as you go in because there's like, it's just so big. And other people don't really like that because they like to not be such a number and go to a practice where they're always kind of seeing the same person and maybe they do have to wait a day to see them or whenever So, those are some things to kind of think about beforehand in regards to this decision. There are not too many decisions to be made beforehand. But I know sometimes people talk about like, literally, I have to make decisions about like vaccine scheduling and everything. And I would encourage you to talk to your provider about that. But it's not like you have to decide, okay, I'm definitely going to follow this schedule or follow that schedule, like right at birth. Typically, with vaccines, they’ll get Hepatitis B in the hospital, and then they won't get their newborn vaccines until two months old. One, one decision, in regards to vaccines that you might have to make is, sometimes we have patients who prefer to just get that first Hepatitis B with their provider at the hospital at the provider's office instead of right after birth. And that's fine. So maybe that's something that, that a decision that sort of needs to be made pre-birth, but regards to vaccines, that's, that's stuff that can be made later. And yeah, there's really not too much like pre-appointment, except finding a provider that you feel like, understands you, and I would find a provider on a good tip, honestly, is to ask your OB or ask your midwife of recommendations, especially if you don't like your provider, it's different. But if you really, really like the midwife or the OB that you're going to ask them and see if they have a pediatrician recommendation, because a lot of times they have relationships with people, and it's the same sort of practice. So that's definitely a good tip. And if for some reason, you can't, again, this is going back to the other question, if, for some reason, you don't like the choice that you've made, however old your baby is, it's always okay to switch. I switched my pediatrician when my older one was about a year because I just wasn't cool with the first practice anymore with some things. So yeah, just knowing that it's always okay to switch to.


Christa: Yeah, that's, that's great, too. Because I think with decisions like that, we think like, we're locked in that we have to say, No, you're the parent. Yeah. Your freedom to switch any?

Liesel: Yeah, it's important to we talked about advocacy during your prenatal care. And it's just important once you be Mom, it's kind of like practice.


Christa: Absolutely. And so, let's talk about the actual appointment, what can we expect will happen at the actual first appointment?

Liesel: The first appointment is typically three to five days post-birth. And typically, what in hospital they'll see the baby and rounding physician will, the pediatrician will see the baby and just assess maybe while you're in the hospital, and then that first appointment is usually the day after you get home or two days after you get home, something like that. So, they'll do a full physical assessment of the baby, the most important thing that they're going to look at is their weight. Because babies have a tendency to lose weight in those first few weeks, even a few days, and then a few weeks sometimes. So they're going to be looking at weight loss and, and putting them on their chart and seeing exactly what their percentages and looking at their physical assessment, they might, if for some reason, their weight loss is a certain percent, they might want to draw blood to see what a certain blood level is called Billy Rubin to see what a certain blood level is to see if sometimes we have babies who lose a little bit too much weight and they have to go under those Billy lights, the big bright lights because they're starting to get really jaundice. Sometimes they have to goback to the hospital for readmission. So, weight is going to be a very, very important thing that they're checking for at that first appointment. And sometimes it's just a matter of like, okay, sometimes it's fine, and there their weight loss isn't drastic at all. Other times, it's a little bit cut teetering on the edge, and they say, okay, just feed, PP feed, but breastfeed or feed VP and then come back in 24 hours, and we'll justkeep assessing it and making sure that it's trending up. So, weights going to be very, very important. And then as far as their physical assessment, they're also going to check the length again, and actually, this is a funny thing. So with their link with their length in the hospital, it's actually usually a little bit shorter, those first few days because if you think about baby's head and what it does in the birth canal, it's like really swollen when it first comes out, so they usually like lose a half-inch, they'll compare like, what my baby shrunk, but it's just because the swelling from the head, yeah. So they'll check the length and then they'll check head circumference and same kind of thing with the head circumference, sometimes that it's a little bit less, they'll check heartbeat, breathing, their hips, their legs, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat fontanelles they want to check the soft spots on baby's head. Make sure those feel okay, their genitals a little check, especially if you have a boy and maybe had your boy circumcised. They're going to check that and then they want to check that you No, for if you have a boy that testicles. So, this is something I was talking to my pediatrician the other day about actually, that it's so common for undescended testicles to get to, like, go undetected. So, you'll want to make sure that your pediatrician is checking that to make sure that there are testicles in there. They'll check for that they'll check obviously, for the baby's skin and any birthmarks will check the baby's umbilical cord and make sure that's okay. a common thing that might not common, but sometimes what happens is the umbilical cord most of the time, what happens is it starts to dry off, and eventually it'll fall off. But sometimes there's a little bit of leakage that comes out. So, I'll make sure to check that and make sure that that's not happening. And then they'll just check. They're not checking for too many developmental milestones at this first appointment. That's more as babies get older, but they'll just check reflexes, newborn reflexes, and everything. And then they're going to talk to you about your feedings and how things are going at home. They're going to be asking you how often the baby is eating, if you're breastfeeding or not? And how often you're breastfeeding and how long you're breastfeeding and asking about your breasts in general, you feel like baby babies, do you feel super encouraged? Do you feel like you're transferring milk, and then asking about the baby’s intake air output as well? So, asking about diapers, how many diapers is baby? Now? You wet diapers and poopy diapers? And then answer any questions that you have. I always encourage people to have an eye like, if you have an iPhone, just have a little note app open. And if you think of a question over the next few days, jot it down, so you don't forget it. And they're always open to answering questions too.


Christa: Awesome. Are there any questions that you think are really important to ask your provider and that first appointment?

Liesel: They'll probably go over general stuff. Like, if your baby has a fever, make sure you do this, you don't want the baby to be having a fever over 100.4 in the first 30 days of their life. So, they're going to be going over general stuff like that. But it's okay to be asking about crying, like how much crying is normal. That's something that a lot of people are just, like, not prepared for at first, like that baby’s cry, and then some babies cry a good bit. And that can be quite normal. It's okay to ask things like how much sleep like what is the sleep schedule going to be? Like? How much sleep should my newborn be getting? Like? How often? Should I be waking my baby up at night? Or should I be letting my baby sleep? And those are? I mean, I can answer that question. So those are sort of those are the things those are the sorts of things, common things that we hear that people ask in those first few days, like, should I be waking my baby up? And the answer to that question is, every practice is different, like some practices are going to tell you yes, absolutely wake your baby up until they're two weeks old, or, wake your baby up until they're a month old or whatever. Make sure you always, never miss a feeding every three hours on the dot. And my advice is, typically most pediatricians get around if your baby is at birth weight, so typically, what happens say they weigh eight pounds at birth or seven pounds at birth, and then they lose six ounces, I don't know. So, they're seven, seven pounds. Now, I can't do math, seven pounds, however many ounces, and then it takes them a week to regain their birth weight. Typically, at that point, it's okay to let the baby sleep for as long as the baby needs to. And that's typically not going to be longer than like four hours at a time like they might you might get a little four-hour stretch, you might not your baby might still be waking up every two or three hours. And that's normal as well. But that's usually my rule with the with also the caution of every baby's different and you have to think about was your baby premature? Or was does your baby have this sort of medical condition? That's not a hard and fast rule for everybody. Obviously, that's why I always encourage you to talk to your provider more. But that's usually like kind of a general rule in terms of waking baby up and sleeping. It's okay to ask questions about safe sleep and sleeping positions for baby. A lot of people want to know if is it safe for you to know me to say like, Can my baby sleep on my chest? Or can my baby sleep in the bed? Or is it this crib, okay? Or is this but because you'd be surprised like a lot of people just aren't educated on safe sleep and they have a bassinet and they're like putting a blanket all over a baby or they're putting them in this way or there's the bedding if is all loose or something. So definitely ask those questions. Those are good questions to ask. And then I'll A lot of people ask about like, spit-up, and like, what's normal? Is my baby spitting up too much in the newborn period, it's not as common? That's usually a few weeks in once baby's getting bigger feeds, they start to spit up more, if they're really spitty babies, you might not have a baby. That's very spitty. But reflux is a common occurrence in babies. So, yeah, there's a lot of questions that moms and dads have and whoever, care providers have about reflux and spitting up and like, is my baby even getting anything to eat? That's definitely good question to ask as well.

Christa: Awesome. I think that’s all great because I guess I would get so many questions about like what to expect, how to find a provider so I think that really covers it. Thaw was awesome and of course if you guys have any other questions in regards to myths around birth, your first newborn appointment, check Liesel’s page Mommy Labor Nurse.

Liesel: Yeah, we have a good amount of newborn stuff too and we just added about two and a half hours of newborn care content to our birth courses too. So, if you are enrolled to our birth courses, you now have access to a bunch of newborn care stuff too because we want to set you up on the right foot. l I know it's like it's just like new charted territory I feel like mom, motherhood you're just it's very like your routine is much different your body feels a lot different care for this little baby that you didn’t really have to think about much beforehand. So, schedules are different and everything. It can be overwhelming to say the least.


Christa: yeah, those courses that's awesome. I know a lot of people have taken them and give good feedback. That’s awesome. So, I know you’ve probably answered this question before but maybe it'll be like a new response. I always like to do this.

Liesel: I don’t think so Christa, you know me too well.


Christa: I know maybe it’ll be a little twist on it. We’ll see what happens. I always like to end these with fun thinking questions so if you could have a billboard made today, we could share one tip with moms everywhere what would you have it say?

Liesel: it would say follow mommy, I’m just kidding. It would say educate yourself and keep learning because that is what Mommy Labor Nurse. It’s all about is education and doing it like I said in the beginning, we do it in the most fun relatable way because I'm all about education and I want you to go into birth and motherhood feeling super prepared. So, it would say educate yourself and keep learning.


Christa: Awesome, I love that. I kind of knew you’re going to say that but it’s like a twist time. It’s a little different but it’s good and I feel like too. It’s like you can’t hear that enough because you can’t still hear a lot of people that are just trying.
Liesel: People always have stuff to learn too. I mean, I’m still learning stuff too, every single day.

Christa: Exactly, yeah. We never too old to learn something, never too right into something to learn. I think learning’s amazing and It’s just kind of like we’re talking about too like not breaking the barrier but generational, like learning too. It’s easy to fall into the trap of, well this is what my whole family did so I shout do it too, right? So definitely I like that. It’s awesome. And of course, where can anyone find you. What courses do you have right now, people can check out and all that good stuff?

Liesel: We are over at MommyLabouNurse.com and like I said, we just got a new website so it’s all nice and pretty. Our courses are over there as well. We currently have three birthed up the natural series, the epidural series and the C-section series. You can just pick whichever one is best for you. So, Mommylabornurse.com we’ve got our birth courses there and then also just a big library of blog articles and podcast episodes and we have a lot of free stuff that you can download on the website as well like trimester prep. We have little notification that you can get to follow. Sorry, not notifications. You can get to follow your pregnancy week by week where I give tips and trick and tuff to learn so you can sign up for those and we’ve got a lot of a lot of great stuff on the website. That’s the website and then I’m most definitely most active on Instagram so @mommy.labornurse on there. And I’m posting almost every day, pretty much every day. So, I’m over there on Instagram and I do Q and A’s on Sundays and then I also have a podcast of my own. It’s just a Mommy Labor Nurse podcast where I do even more deep dive into certain subjects and have guests come on and yeah, super fun. we got a lot of a lot of good stuff in the future to look forward too.


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*Mommy Knows Best is committed to providing informational, motivational, and inspiring videos to all moms. Statements in this video are for informational purposes only and are not to be taken as medical advice or recommendation. Any health concern or condition should be brought to the attention of your doctor.